Sunday, May 22, 2011

Baby Number 4???

Ever since I had my third baby (and he has turned out to be an absolute dream) I have had a hard time dealing with the fact that he will most likely by my last.

It is not that I definitely want a forth, but I am not ready to say never again.

However in the past few weeks that has changed for me.  He is still an absolute dream baby, but I now remember what a worry little ones are.  My little 12 week old has a lump just above his eye.  My GP is 95% sure it is just a little cyst and benign, but I still can't help having sleepless nights over it.

Ultrasound is one Thursday, and I am sure I will get the good news that it is a harmless lump.

But it got me thinking about how very lucky I am to have three healthy little munchkins.  Would I want to risk another pregnancy where the bub may not be as healthy as my first three?  As I get older it becomes an issue.  

The magic number for my husband and I was always three, so I think it was only a matter of time before the decision came about that we would stop at three anyway.

Is it just my anxious mind that works this way, or do most mums think like this?


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